Minutes of 9th January 2024

Meeting of Partney and Dalby Parish Council held 7pm 9th January 2024 in the Victory Hall, Partney
Present:    Cllr Jacqueline Oliver (Chair) Cllr Beth Dawson Cllr Richard Jones Cllr Mick Lovelock Cllr E Middleton Cllr A Ratcliffe Cllr Packa Risi Cllr V Risi
Cllr S Sargeant
Member of Public present: 4
Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker – Parish Clerk
Open Forum 
Representatives from St Nicolas Parochial Church Council updated cllrs on forthcoming events. Matthew Flinders is being reburied in Donnington. As he was married in Partney the village is being included in the historic event to be held 12-14th July. A Harvest Festival Show including a scarecrow trail is to be arranged for 28/29th September and the Parish Council were invited to take part The Open Churches weekend will be 14/15th September.
75. To open the meeting and welcome
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.10pm.
76. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
There were no apologises.
77. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct 
No declarations of interest were declared.
78. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 14th November 2023
The minutes of the meeting of 14th November 2023 were approved and signed by the Chair.
79. To consider candidates for co-option
It was resolved to co-opt P Risi and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.
80. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
The County and District councillors were not present. Cllrs had hoped District Councillor Grover would attend as the cllr grant scheme applications are due in shortly. The Clerk was asked to contact the District Council Leader.
81. Finance 
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the current account was £330.47 and the reserves account £8,265.93.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliations for December were noted and signed by the Chair.
c) To consider and approve the budget for 2024/25
It was resolved to approve the budget of £6,008. 
d) To consider and agree a precept for 2024/25
It was resolved not to increase the precept which was £5,760.
e) To note transfer of £500 from the interest account to the current account 
A transfer of funds of £500 between bank accounts on 30.01.23 was noted.
f) To approve the Clerk’s annual pay award for 2023/24 to £12.63/hour
It was resolved to approve the annual pay award for 2023/24 to £12.63/hour.
g) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments 
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
19.11.23 ICCM membership fee (part year) £32.00
21.11.23 Karl Valentine grass cutting and cemetery maintenance £178.00
24.11.23 Doxdirect newsletter £67.39
28.11.23 Nigel Sardeson Cemetery tree survey £300.00
30.11.23 Horncastle Training Centre £144.00
05.12.23 V Clark mid-tern audit £60.00
09.01.23 Karl Valentine village grounds maintenance £78.00
31.01.24 Salary £109.46 (LGA 1972 s.112)
29.02.24 Salary £109.46
h) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following oncome was noted:
09.11.23 Interest £9.67
11.12.23 Interest £9.77
82. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting and ratify the comments made on ref: N/041/02363/23, land at Dexthorpe House Farm, Dalby
It was resolved to ratify the informal comments made for ref: N/041/02363/23, land at Dexthorpe House Farm, Dalby, support with additional comments regarding occupancy and wildlife considerations.
b) To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
It was noted that ELDC would not be taking action regarding a caravan and containers sited on Scremby Road, Partney
83. Village Matters
a) To receive an update on highway matters
LCC will be assessing the A16 at Dalby and Partney roundabout entrance for a potential Traffic Regulation Order. Partney footways will be assessed on a condition score. It was confirmed that the derestriction signs on the Dalby Road leaving Partney are in the correct place. A progress report will be asked for if nothing is heard by the next meeting.
b) To receive an update regarding the Dalby Church access 
Dalby Parochial Church Council hopes to provide an update at the next meeting.
c) To note land ownership of verge northside Maddison Lane/Dalby Road corner
It was noted that Lincolnshire County Council confirmed ownership of the verge northside of Maddison Lane/Dalby Road corner.
d) To discuss a suggestion that the path linking Maddison Lane and Scremby Road is called Flinders Walk
It was noted that the footpath is still owned by the developer of Fairfield. The Clerk was asked to contact ELDC Planning as they had not responded to the Council’s last letter regarding the discharge of conditions.
e) To receive an update on the development of a Parish plan 
It was agreed that Cllrs Oliver, P Risi and Sargeant will discuss this matter further and provide an update at the next meeting.
f) To receive an update on the development of an emergency village action plan
It was agreed that Cllr Ratcliffe and Sargeant will discuss this further and provide an update at the next meeting.
84. Internal Council Matters
a) To receive and note the mid-year internal audit 
The mid-year internal audit was noted and the minor requirements will be actioned by the Clerk.
b) To consider holding regular Councillor Chat sessions 
Cllr Oliver agreed to put an item in the next Navigator magazine and then introduce a regular rota.
c) To consider publishing a Parish Council Facebook account 
The Clerk was asked to bring a Social Media policy to the next meeting prior to setting up a Facebook page.
d) To receive monthly Cemetery checklist 
Cllr Jones updated cllrs and will organise a work cleaning party when the weather improves.
e) To consider and approve the Cemetery Risk Assessment 
It was resolved to approve the Cemetery Risk Assessment.
f) To consider and approve reviewed Cemetery fees 
It was resolved to approve the Cemetery fees, the majority of the fees remain the same.
g) To consider and approve changes to the Cemetery grass cutting regime 
It was resolved to appoint Karl Valentine as cemetery contractor at £70/cut for 14 cuts year. The condition of the grass will be monitored, and the regime changed if needed.
h) To receive feedback from completing the Parish Policing Priority Setting Form
It was noted that the Council prioritised speeding, anti-social behaviour and police engagement on the Priority Setting Form. 
i) To formally note that Declarations of Acceptance of Office were signed before the meeting held 16th May 2023 
It was noted that Declarations of Acceptance of Office were signed before the meeting held 16th May 2023 by Cllrs Dawson, Middleton, Oliver, Sargeant, P Risi, V Risi
85. To receive correspondence 
It was noted that the survey for comments regarding devolution is available. It was noted that the 6th June 2024 will be the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. It was agreed not to submit a response to the consultation on the Street Vote Development Orders. It was agreed that the Wolds Facilities Guide is accurate for Partney village.
86. Clerk and Councillor Reports
The Clerk reported that she was having difficulty chasing the new cemetery signage. Cllr Jones reported that the War Graves signage would be fitted within the next 12 months.
87. To consider excluding the press and public from the meeting pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, as applied by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, as matters under discussion are confidential and relate to the Clerk’s appraisal
It was resolved to exclude the public. The Clerk’s appraisal was discussed. The hours to be increased to 3 hours/week. 
88. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
It was noted that the next meeting will be Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 7pm.