Minutes of meeting held 12th March 2024
Minutes of Meeting of Partney and Dalby Parish Council held 7pm 12th March 2024 in the Victory Hall, Partney
Cllr Jacqueline Oliver (Chair) Cllr Beth Dawson Cllr Richard Jones Cllr Mick Lovelock
Cllr A Ratcliffe Cllr Packa Risi Cllr Valerie Risi Cllr Sue Sargeant
Also in attendance: District Councillor Will Grover
Jane Slaymaker – Parish Clerk
89. To open the meeting and welcome
There was no open forum and the Chair welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 7pm.
90. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Middleton. The reason for the apology was accepted.
91. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations
No expressions of interest were declared.
92. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 9th January 2024
The minutes of the meeting held 9th January 2024 were approved and signed by the Chair.
93. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
District Councillor Will Grover apologised for his recent absence from Parish Council meetings. He has approved a grant of £400 to purchase plants and bulbs. He was asked if he could support the traffic assessments which Lincolnshire County Council are undertaking. Cllr Grover was asked if there was any grant money available for the D-Day commemorations.
94. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the current account balance was £137.53 and the reserves/interest account £7,783.18.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations
The February bank reconciliations dated noted and signed by the Chair.
c) To note transfer of £500 from the interest account to the current account on 17.01.24
The transfer of £500 between accounts was noted.
d) To approve the purchase of paediatric defibrillator pads for approximately £120 including Vat (Public Health Act 1936 s.234)
It was resolved to purchase paediatric defibrillator pads. The Clerk to purchase the most affordable pads.
e) To approve subscription of Lincs Association of Local Councils membership for 2024 of £98.58
It was resolved to subscribe to LALC for 2024 at £98.58.
f) To approve subscription to the Lalc Annual Training Scheme of £120.00
It was resolved to subscribe to the LALC Training Scheme for 2024 at £120.00.
g) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
17.01.24 LIVES replacement defibrillator pads and charge stick (Public Health Act 1936 s.234) £206.40
22.01.24 ICO £35.00
28.01.24 Leverton Agric Cemetery hedge flail (Open Spaces Act 1906 ss.9-10) £84.00
21.02.24 Doxdirect newsletter printing (Local Government Act 1972 s.142) £70.62
12.03.24 Hall hire 23/24 8 sessions Victory Hall £200.00
31.03.24 Salary £109.46 (LGA 1972 s.112)
16.04.24 Lalc Emergency Planning Training Cllrs Ratcliffe & Sargeant £25
30.04.24 Salary £164.19
h) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
09.01.24 Interest £8.54
09.02.24 Interest £8.71
95. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting
It was resolved to support planning ref N/136/00381/24 - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. Meadow View, Spilsby Road, Partney, with the comment that wildlife boxes be incorporated if possible.
b) To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
It was noted that planning permission had been granted for Dexthorpe House Farm ref: N/041/02363/23.
96. Village Matters
a) To receive an update on highway matters
There has been no further update regarding the highways surveys and the Clerk was asked to write again and copy in the Road Safety Partnership.
b) To receive an update regarding the Dalby Church access
It was noted that Dalby Parochial Church Council had raised the situation regarding access at a Cluster Meeting and they were writing to the Archdeacon.
c) To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting in May
It was agreed the Annual Parish Meeting would be held at 6pm on Tuesday 14th May.
d) To receive an update regarding the footpath from the Victory Hall carpark to Maddison Lane
Despite chasing no further information has been provided about the liability of the footpath. Cllr Grover will approach ELDC and Cllr P Risi was asked to mention it to the planners at a forthcoming meeting.
e) To receive an update on the development of a Parish Plan
Cllr P Risi presented a development statement for further discussion. An extraordinary meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 23rd April at 7pm with a view to progressing the plan.
f) To receive an update on the development of an emergency village action plan
Cllr Ratcliffe and Sargeant updated councillors on the work they had done. They are booked on relevant training in April and will bring a draft copy of an emergency plan to the May meeting.
g) To discuss ideas for the D-Day anniversary in June and resolve action
The church bells will be rung at 6.15pm on 6th June and a Light of Peace procession take place starting at the commemorative bench at 9.15pm.
h) To agree a date for a village tidy session
The village tidy will be 20th April 10.30 – 12.30 with refreshments provided.
97. Internal Council Matters
a) To nominate an attendee for the online Police Parish Council Engagement Session
Councillors Oliver and Sargeant agreed to attend the online session on Thursday 27th June
b) To consider and adopt a Social Media policy and appoint a Councillor to have access to the Council’s Facebook page for management and postings
It was resolved to adopt the Social Media policy and Cllr Oliver was appointed as Facebook administrator along with the Clerk.
c) To receive monthly cemetery checklist and resolve any action required
The monthly cemetery checklists were received and a work party to tidy the cemetery has been arranged for 24th March at 10am.
d) To formally approve an application for the District Councillor Community Grant scheme for £400 for plants and bulbs
It was resolved to ratify the application for £400 for plants and bulbs.
e) To consider the National Grid proposals and resolve to submit comments to the consultation
It was agreed that individuals would make their own responses to the consultation.
f) To receive quotations for the provision of a .gov.uk email address and other data sharing options and resolve action
It was agreed to revisit this item in May and get some feedback from users of one of the providers.
g) To note the Training Record for 2023 for inclusion on the Council’s website
The Councillor and Clerk Training Record for 2023 was noted.
h) To agree a schedule for Councillor Chat Sessions at the Partney Coffee Morning
It was agreed that Cllr Oliver attend the March event, Cllr Sargeant in April, Cllr Jones in May and Cllr Ratcliffe in June. There will then be a review to see if the sessions are useful.
98. To receive correspondence and note any action required
A section 19 flood investigation letter had been received from Lincolnshire County Council. Cllr Ratcliffe offered to attend on site if needed when the survey takes place.
99. Clerk and Councillor Reports
ELDC confirmed that a bin is required on the Spilsby Road and they will add it to their emptying schedule however it looks likely that the Parish Council will need to purchase a bin. This will be discussed at the May meeting.
100. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The date of the next Parish Council (Annual) meeting is Tuesday 14th May 2024.
The meeting closed at 9.17pm