Unapproved notes of meeting held 12th November 2024
Minutes of Annual Meeting of Partney and Dalby Parish Council held 7pm 12th November 2024 in the Victory Hall, Partney
Present: Cllr Jacqueline Oliver (Chair) Cllr Beth Dawson Cllr Richard Jones Cllr Mick Lovelock Cllr Andy Ratcliffe Cllr Packa Risi Cllr Valerie Risi Cllr Sue Sargeant
Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker – Parish Clerk
48. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting which opened at 7.02pm
49. Apologies were received from Cllr Middleton and it was resolved to accept the reason for absence.
50. No declarations of interest were received.
51. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2024 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.
52. The County and District councillors were unable to attend the meeting and no report was available.
53. Finance
a) The financial position was noted. Current account £402.49 and Reserves account £9,007.57. It was noted that the Clerk had transferred £500 into the current account on 7th November.
b) The bank reconciliations for October were noted and signed as balancing by Cllr Ratcliffe.
c) The last quarters payments and receipts and balance against budget were noted. There were no queries.
d) The 2024 pay award for the Clerk representing an 4.98% increase was noted.
e) It was resolved to approve the following payments:
31.09.24 Karl Valentine Cemetery grass cutting September (Open Spaces Act 1906 ss. 9-10) £140.00
04.10.24 Viking stationary (LGS 1972 s.111) debit card £16.48
24.10.24 Wave Cemetery water (Open Spaces Act 1972 ss. 9-10) DD £20.45
24.10.24 Poppy Shop – large poppies (LGA 1972 s.137) debit card £50.00
02.11.24 Karl Valentine Cemetery grass cutting October £140.00
02.11.24 Karl Valentine Village grounds maintenance (Highways Act 1980 s.96) £188.00
08.11.24 Richard Middleton Cemetery tap (LGA 1972 s.214) £425.00
30.11.24 Salary £172.38 (LGA 1972 s.112)
31.12.24 Salary £172.38
f) Income received since the last meeting was noted:
09.09.24 Interest £8.05
04.10.24 Vat refund £153.50
09.10.24 Interest £7.80
54. Planning Matters
a) It was resolved to support the following applications: ref N/136/00853/24 – Extension and alterations to existing dwelling, which is a listed building, to include the demolition of the existing conservatory, extension on site of an existing cloakroom which is to be demolished to provide a lobby, construction of an additional vehicular access with the erection of entrance gates to a maximum height of 2.25 metres and erection of vehicular and pedestrian access gates at the existing access with a maximum height of 2 metres and reference N/136/00861/24 Listed Building Consent - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling, to include the demolition of the existing conservatory and extension on site of an existing cloakroom which is to be demolished to provide a lobby. Both applications for Partney Hall, Spilsby Road. The Clerk to notify ELDC.
b) It was noted that Listed Building consent had been granted for ref N/136/01167/24,
Replacement of existing oil tank at Partney Church.
55. Village Matters
a) A discussion took place concerning the ‘dark sky’ initiative where it might be possible to reduce energy consumption and light pollution by turning off streetlights from midnight. It was agreed that the County Council Streetlighting section be contacted to see what proposals may be possible. The item to be discussed again when further details are available.
b) No further update on highway matters had been received. It was noted that the Parish Council had been copied into a letter from a resident to Victoria Atkins M.P. concerning the condition of the footpaths.
c) It was noted that the draft emergency village action plan had been submitted to the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum.
d) There was no update from Cllr Grover regarding the designation of Partney as a ‘large village’ in the 2018 Local Plan.
e) There has been a 25% return rate from the village questionnaire for input into the Parish Action Plan. Councillors wished to thank residents for completing and returning the form. The feedback will be analysed and used to inform the Parish Action Plan and taken to the January meeting.
f) Village bulb planting to take place Saturday 23rd November at 10am.
56. Internal Council Matters
a) It was resolved to re-adopt the following policies: Cemetery, Publications Schedule, Complaints Procedure.
b) It was resolved to approve the appointment of Victoria Clark as Internal Auditor for 2024/25 at £120.
c) The annual Asset Inspection Record was noted. The old laptop to be disposed of. Cllr Sargeant to look at the untreated noticeboard to see if it requires attention.
d) The monthly Cemetery checklists were noted.
e) It was resolved to accept a kind offer from Stewart Oliver to undertake some of the tree work required in the Cemetery with the help of Karl Valentine who will be paid for his time. This option represents a financial saving for the Parish Council and Stewart was thanked for his offer.
f) The unsafe Cemetery memorials were discussed. An article in the next Navigator magazine will seek families of the deceased. If no one can be located the memorials will be laid flat due to safety concerns. It is possible that lifting equipment will be required for the heavier memorials. The stone vases which are not with a memorial will be buried in situ.
g) It was agreed to delegate authority to the Clerk to arrange for the installation of the Cemetery Regulations sign.
h) It was resolved to submit an application for the District Councillor Community Grant scheme for £300 towards the cost of producing the newsletter.
57. Correspondence
Police event on Teams scheduled for 16th January, ELDC Scrutiny Panel requesting feedback from Parish Councils, Victoria Atkins M.P. Community Summit 6th December, Lloyds bank confirming there will be a charge of £4.25/month for the current account.
58. Clerk and Councillor Reports
Cllr Sargeant reported on the Councillor Coffee Morning Session. There was concerns about dog waste; speeding, particularly on the Dalby Road towards Dalby Hill; bonfires at inconvenient times; the streetlighting proposal (there was a misunderstanding on that which was being proposed); there was felt to be a need for an additional streetlight on Maddison Lane.
The Clerk reported that Spilsby Town Council hoped to organise some Speed Watch Training. Volunteers are asked to contact the Clerk. The tap in the cemetery has been installed. It was noted that this will need turning off and draining in severe weather. Update concerning the lithium battery campaign.
59. It was noted that the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council is Tuesday 14th January 2025.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm.