Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held 23rd April 2024

Partney and Dalby Parish Council
Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held 23rd April 2024 at 7pm
Apologies: Present:
Mick Lovelock Jacqueline Oliver (chair)
Sue Sargeant (minute taker)
Beth Dawson
Andy Ratcliffe
Richard Jones
Valerie Risi
Packa Risi
101. The meeting to discuss the proposed Parish Plan Development Statement was opened at 7.00pm.
102. There were no declarations of interest.
103. The document had been distributed at the previous PC meeting with a request to review.
o Cllr P Risi read through the document, various points were raised with regard to the Annual Village Fair and its connection with the church.
o It was suggested that the Ofsted rating for the school be included.
o John Hudson MBE and his contribution to village life was to be included.
o Light pollution and the benefit of dark skies was also discussed as included within the document.
It was agreed that the amendments discussed would be added to the document by Cllr Sargeant ready for the PC AGM on 14th May.
The council then voted on whether to adopt a Parish Plan. It was agreed that the village was not of a size to warrant such a Plan and the expense of such a Plan could not be justified.
The vote against was unanimous.
104. The need for a Village Action Plan was discussed within the scope of the Parish Plan. It was felt that this would be more appropriate and fit the needs of the Parish.
o An action Plan would steer the PC on its commitments to the village.
o Targets and actions would be transparent and measurable.
o The costs of an Action Plan would be minimal and not directly involve an increase on the precept.
General points were made by Cllr P Risi that a more collaborative approach was needed with regard to future planning. That the PC should engage with prospective builders and developers and work together towards a beneficial relationship.
Cllr Oliver also raised the point of ensuring that environmental and conservation issues should be addressed in all Planning matters.
The development and adoption of a Village Action Plan was proposed by Cllr P Risi, seconded by Cllr Sargeant. 
This was unanimously approved by all present.
105. Partney Emergency Plan
An update on the above and the recent training attended by Cllr Ratcliffe and Cllr Sargeant was given by Cllr Ratcliffe.
The training had been of great value with the additional bonus of an Emergency Plan template being available on the LRF website.
Cllr Radcliffe was currently populating the template and suggested a further meeting with Cllr Oliver and Cllr Sargeant. There would be a need to discuss with identified individuals regarding inclusion in the Emergency Plan. It would then be circulated to the PC.
It was agreed that the Plan would be ready for submission at the July PC meeting.
106. Reports
Cllr Oliver reported that she had contacted the Garage with particular regard to the disposable plastic gloves that continually ‘escaped’ from the garage forecourt. Despite constant litter picking and a recent Village Tidy Day, these were an ongoing problem.
It was agreed that the situation would be monitored and Cllr Oliver would contact the garage again in two weeks.
Cllr Oliver also reported that the Open Forum held at the Coffee Morning last month was very useful. 
A number of residents had put forward ideas regarding a 20 mph speed limit around the school.
A barrier was suggested at the end of the footpath to the school to prevent children running straight into the road.
The general comments were very positive: The events organised, the regular coffee mornings and the friendly and helpful community within the village.
Cllr Sargeant is due to take the next Open Forum and will report back at the next meeting.
107. The next meeting to be held on the14th May 2024 will be the APM. A start time of 6.00pm with refreshments served, followed by the Parish Council meeting at 7.00pm.
The meeting closed at 9.15 with Cllr Oliver commending Cllr P Risi for his work and commitment in putting together the Parish Plan. It was agreed that the Plan was excellent and would be a good starting point for the Action Plan.