Minutes of the meeting held 10th September 2024

Minutes of Annual Meeting of Partney and Dalby Parish Council held  7pm 10th September 2024 in the Victory Hall, Partney
Present:    Cllr Jacqueline Oliver (Chair) Cllr B Dawson Cllr Richard Jones
Cllr Mick Lovelock Cllr Emma Middleton Cllr Andy Ratcliffe Cllr Packa Risi Cllr V Risi 
Also in attendance:    District Cllr Will Grover Jane Slaymaker – Parish Clerk
36. The meeting opened at 7.04pm
37. Apologises were received from Cllr Sargeant. These were accepted.
38. Cllrs Jones and Ratcliffe reported they were involved in the planning application for the church, replacement of the oil tank but this was not a pecuniary interest.
39. It was resolved to accept the meeting held on 9th July 2024 as a true record and these were signed by the Chair.
40. District Councillor Grover stated that there had been a recent press release reporting on the tourism benefit to the region. He spoke of several new tearooms opening locally. Cllr Grover hopes to be on the enviro-crime contracts scrutiny committee which deals with fly tipping and the town and parish support scrutiny committee. Cllr Grover was asked about the poor response from ELDC concerning fly tipping reporting. Cllr Grover agreed that Partney was a hot spot for litter and will try and arrange a site visit from the head of service. It was raised that there is no litter collection programme for the highways. 
41. Finance
a) The financial position was noted. Current account: £1,207.30 and reserves account: £9,483.20.
b) Bank reconciliations for both accounts were noted and signed by Cllr Middleton.
c) It was resolved to approve payment to Karl Valentine for emergency hedging work in the village totalling £150.00. 
d) It was resolved to approve the following payments:
25.06.24 Glasdon – waste bin (debit card) (Litter Act 1983 ss 5,6) £395.64
05.07.24 UK Countrystore – fencing for cemetery warning notices (PC and Burial Authorities Misc Provisions Act 1970 s.1) £66.25
05.07.24 UK Countrystore - fencing for cemetery warning notices £14.75
12.07.24 Sign Trade Supplies – posts for cemetery sign (debit card) £148.88
24.07.24 Wave – cemetery water (direct debit) £26.03
02.08.24 Karl Valentine grass cutting- village £120.00
02.08.24 Karl Valentine grass cutting – cemetery July (Open Spaces Act 1906 ss. 9-10) £140.00
05.08.24 Tongs – post-kwik (debit card) £11.95
26.08.24 Doxdirect – Partney Village questionnaire printing (LGA 1972 s.142) debit card £33.81
30.08.24 Karl Valentine grass cutting – cemetery August (Open Spaces Act 1906 ss. 9-10) £140.00
Doxdirect – Village newsletter debit card £77.34
30.09.24 Salary £164.19 (LGA 1972 s.112)
31.10.24 Salary £164.19 
e) Income was noted:
09.07.24 Interest £7.71
09.08.24 Interest £9.37
Cemetery plot reservation £225.00
42. Planning Matters
a) The following applications were considered: N/136/01166/24 - Replacement of existing oil tank within the curtilage of a listed building at Partney Church and ref: N/136/01167/24 - Listed Building Consent - Replacement of existing oil tank at Partney Church and it was resolved to support the applications.
b) The following planning decisions was noted: planning approval for N/136/00873/24 - Erection of a detached 4 bay garage with first floor office and storage (works commenced) at Park House, Spilsby Road, Partney.
43. Village Matters
The Chair moved the next item to enable discussion with Cllr Grover.
a) Councillors discussed the issues regarding the classification of Partney as a ‘large village’ in the 2018 Local Plan. Cllr Grover agreed to find out if re-designation is possible.
b) An email from Highways had been received following a site visit with Councillors, Councillor Davie and Highways. The LCC speed limit policy is being reviewed and then the A16 at Dalby will be re-assessed under the new criteria. The Hardings Lane potholes have been repaired. Temporary repairs to Chapel Lane are scheduled and it will be placed on the ‘retread’ scheme. Inconsistencies regarding speed limits approaching Partney will be formally assessed. The ‘Partney Pit’ near the garage will be added to the LCC grass cutting schedule. Councillors asked the Clerk to find out details of a grass cutting agreement with LCC.
c) Following a discussion concerning reports of overgrown hedges in Partney and hedge cuttings left on a footpath at Dalby it was agreed that initially the Parish Council would speak to the owner of the hedge, then write to the owner and ensure that it is reported on FixMy Street. Unlike the County Council, the Parish Council has no power to undertake work and re-charge it to the owner of the hedge.
d) A discussion took place regarding a ‘dark sky’ initiative which is being supported by other Parish Councils. It was agreed that Cllr P Risi present a report at the November meeting to enable further discussion. 
Cllr Grover left the meeting at 8.08pm.
e) A discussion took place concerning car parking on LCC Highways land at corner of Maddison Lane and Dalby Road, south side. There are no restrictions to prevent parking in this area and concern was raised that encouraging vehicles to park elsewhere would exacerbate the issue of road parking on Dalby Road.
f) Feedback from Spilsby Town Council regarding the Community Speed Watch scheme had been received and the Police had responded regarding speeding. Several Councillors would like to undertake training for the Speed Watch scheme and it is hoped other villagers would come forward for training.
g) An update on the development of an emergency village action plan was received. Further information is required before it is submitted.
h) It was agreed that volunteers would look at the siting of the new waste bin outside the Victory Hall.
i) It was resolved to contribute 50% towards the cost of a purchasing a domestic post box for Victory Hall to receive Parish Council correspondence and delegated action to the Clerk.
j) Feedback from the village questionnaire was beginning to come in and will be used as input into the Parish Action Plan. Councillors were asked to choose a subject they would wish to lead on.
k) Suggested dates in November for bulb planting in the cemetery and around the village, will be emailed to Councillors.
44. Internal Council Matters
a) It was resolved to re-adopt the following policies: Safeguarding; Disciplinary; Grievance; Health & Safety; Abusive, Persistent or Vexatious Complaints; procedure for planning applications and website accessibility statement.
b) The monthly Cemetery checklists were received. 
c) It was resolved to select Mr R Middleton to install a standpipe in the Cemetery. Cost in the region of £425.00 
d) It was agreed that Karl Valentine continues to cut and strim the Cemetery at £70/cut. It was agreed a ride-on mower can be used where practical.
e) It was agreed the Clerk obtain quotations for all the tree work required in the Cemetery.
f) It was agreed to consider an application for the District Councillor Community Grant scheme for £300 at the November meeting.
g) It was agreed that Cllr V Risi attend the January Councillor Drop in Session at the Partney Coffee Morning. Cllr P Risi the March session and Cllr Ratcliffe the May session.
45. To receive correspondence and note any action required
LCC Minerals and Waste consultation, consultation re National Grid, ELDC Community Ambassador Awards.
46. Clerk and Councillor Reports 
The Kings portrait had been received and was passed to the Victory Hall Management Committee for displaying in the hall. It was confirmed that the sloped verge at the corner of Maddison Lane and Dalby Road (south) is the responsibility of LCC Highways.
47. The date of the next meeting of the Parish Council is Thursday 12th November 2024
The meeting closed at 8.51pm