Terms of Reference Staffing Committee

Partney and Dalby Parish Council


Adopted 12.09.23

Reviewed 05.24

Next review 05.25


Purpose of Staffing Committee

The Committee is appointed by full Council to deal with all staffing matters, subject to budget, expenditure and contractual limits decided by full Council, and reporting back to full Council as required.     


  1. To establish and keep under review the staffing structure in consultation with the full Council
  2. To draft, implement, review, monitor and revise policies for staff.
  3. To establish and review salary pay scales for all staff, and to be responsible for their administration and review.
  4. To oversee the recruitment and appointment of staff, subject to ratification of appointments by full Council.
  5. To arrange for the execution of new employment contracts, and changes to contracts.
  6. To establish and review performance management (including annual appraisals) and staff training programmes.
  7. To oversee any process leading to dismissal of staff (including redundancy).
  8. To keep under review staff working conditions, and health and safety matters.
  9. To monitor and address regular or sustained staff absence.
  10. To make recommendations on staffing related expenditure to full Council.
  11. To ensure the Council complies with its legal duties and responsibilities as an employer and recommends policies for adoption by the Council.
  12. To obtain legal and HR advice from suitably qualified organisations and persons as the Committee may deem necessary to fulfil its duties subject to budgetary limits approved by Finance Committee/ Council.
  13. To consider any appeal against a decision in respect of pay.
  14. To consider a grievance or disciplinary matter (and any appeals), making arrangements for any necessary Panels for this purpose, ensuring fairness and impartiality.
  15. To supervise and performance manage the Clerk’s work, to administer leave requests, record and monitor absences, manage approved overtime within agreed financial constraints, and handle grievance and disciplinary matters and pay disputes.