Health and Safety Policy

Partney and Dalby Parish Council
Health and Safety policy
Adopted: 11.07.23
Last Review:  09.24
Review 07.25
Section 1
Statement of policy 
      – The local council’s commitment to legal obligations
Section 2
Organisation and responsibilities
      – Who is responsible for what in terms of health and safety 
Section 3
      - A description of the actual procedures in place to manage particular areas of health and safety which may cross reference to work activity risk asessments.  
• Risk assessment
• Contract workers
• Accident reporting
Section 1          
Health safety and welfare policy
Partney and Dalby Parish Council has adopted a health and safety policy to protect all of its employees, visitors, contractors and users of premises, and to encourage safe working practices. This document explains the policy and the systems that have been set up, within the organisation, to make sure that the Policy is working.
Please read this document carefully, and make sure you understand it. If you want to discuss safety matters generally, or have a particular problem, you should consult the Parish Clerk.
Statement of health, safety and welfare policy
The members of Partney and Dalby Parish Council accepts its responsibility as an employer to pursue a policy which ensures, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, visitors and users of premises, and others who may be affected by the council's activities, and declare their intention to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and all other relevant statutory provisions.
Partney and Dalby Parish Council will continue to ensure that its policy, legal obligations and experience are applied effectively throughout the council where it has legal obligations. 
The council recognises that accident prevention is an essential element of good work practice and that its pursuit benefits the efficiency of the council’s operations, as well as the welfare of its employees. It is recognised that effective prevention of injury and damage requires commitment at every level.
The Members of Partney and Dalby Parish Council's objectives in this respect are to:-
1. Provide and maintain workplaces which are without risk to the health and safety of any employee, contractor, visitor, or user of premises.    
2. Provide a working environment of a standard which will ensure the health and safety of its employees and other persons who are likely to be affected by the council's activities.
3. Assess the risks to the health and safety of employees and of anyone else who could be affected by its work activities, record the significant findings of such assessments and make them available to employees, contractors and users of premises. The compilation and implementation of practical codes of safety and health practice and conduct will be based on these risk assessments.
4. Provide, where appropriate, equipment, tools and plant which are safe and without undue risk to health.
5. Institute procedures for the reporting of defective equipment or other hazardous conditions, and for the rectification of such defects.
6. Make proper arrangements for the safe use, handling and storage of all articles and substances used by the council.
7. Promote the instruction and training of employees in matters of health and safety, so as to enable them to recognise and avoid hazards at work.  
8. Inform employees, contractors, visitors and users of premises of the risks associated with it's work activities by means of notices and instructions, and to clearly describe the work methods necessary to minimise the likelihood of injury or of adverse effects on health.
9. Provide and maintain, where appropriate, safety equipment and protective clothing and ensure that employees are informed of their obligation in respect of its use.
10. Provide first aid equipment, facilities and training, and to make such other emergency provisions as are necessary to ensure the Health and Safety of all employees, visitors and others allowed access to the council's premises.
11. Institute a procedure for the recording of all accidents and instances of ill health occurring as a result of the council's activities and ensure that such incidents are investigated.
12. Provide satisfactory welfare and amenity facilities and make such arrangements as may be necessary to ensure the welfare of employees whilst at work.
13. Advise all employees, contractors and users of premises of their obligations in health and safety matters, and of the penalties for acting in such a way as to endanger the safety or health of themselves or others.  
14. Establish an organisation with responsibility for making this Policy effective. This includes nomination of a health and safety sub-committee who shall have direct responsibility for the general oversight of health and safety within the Local Council. Councillors appointed to the health and safety sub-committee to be able to appoint the Clerk, and other Members of the Local Council, to act on their behalf in carrying out relevant instructions.
15. Ensure that accident prevention within Partney and Dalby Parish Council is an integral part of operational management and is supported by a competent advisory service.      
16.  Ensure the proper direction and control of all persons other than employees allowed access to the council's premises and also ensure they are not put at risk by the council's work activities.
17. Control the use of contractors on the Council's premises, and ensure that contractors work to safety rules at least of the same standard as those laid down through this policy;
18. Arrange for health and safety inspections of all premises and other areas at regular intervals, with reporting of findings and recommendations to the Members of the Council.
19. Maintain arrangements with employees for joint consultation and participation in matters relating to their health and safety.
20. Keep the health and safety policy statement under constant review and make improvements, additions and amendments that from time to time may be deemed necessary or desirable.
Section 2
Organisation and responsibilities
1. The Full Council will:-
a) Receive reports from the Clerk.
b) Consider overall trends and issues likely to effect the council.
c) Monitor the health and safety performance of the council and compliance with legislation.
d) Promote a positive health and safety culture within the council.
e) Ensure that adequate resources are available to discharge the council’s health and safety commitments.
f) Where necessary, give assistance to the Clerk in carrying out inspections in the interests of effective Health and Safety management;
g) Undertake in conjunction with the Clerk safety inspections, investigation of accidents, incidents, near misses, and other dangerous occurrences and forward reports of legally notifiable cases of disease to the appropriate authority.  
2. The Clerk, on behalf of the Members of the Council, is to co-ordinate the implementation of the health, safety and welfare policy. The Clerk will:- 
a) Advise on planning and development of health and safety training to meet the council’s requirements.
b) Advise on prevention of injury or ill health to personnel and damage to plant/equipment.
c) Advise on legal requirements affecting health, safety and welfare, and implementation of the council health, safety and welfare policy.
d) In conjunction with nominated Councillors, carry out routine site inspections on all council sites, reporting on failures to meet the standards set and situations where council employees are put at risk from inadequate health and safety facilities (using the appropriate reporting form).
e) Maintain a central record containing relevant Statutes, Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs), guidance notes, certificates, risk assessment reports, terms of reference, accident reports and investigations.
f) Foster at the work place an understanding that injury prevention and damage control are an integral part of council business and operational efficiency.
g) Make arrangements for carrying out suitable and sufficient risk assessments in relation to work activities to eliminate control risk to the health and safety of employees.
h) Ensure that all employees are fully aware of, and instructed in their responsibilities as imposed by regulations, codes of practice and council procedures, and take steps so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure that they are properly implemented.
i) Ensure that all works carried out on council premises and all plant, machinery and equipment where relevant complies with statutory requirements and approved or agreed standards.
j) Ensure that where the council have supplied labour to erect or install equipment of any nature, the erection or installation is of a high standard and complies with the codes of practice and current regulations.
k) Ensure that employees are conversant with the council’s accident or damage reporting procedures and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences as specified by regulations. Also ensure that the cause of any accident and or, dangerous occurrence is thoroughly investigated and that effective follow up action ensues.
l) Provide adequate first aid supplies and facilities in accordance with current regulations, and ensure that a responsible person is appointed to take control of the situation.
m) Ensure that statutory notices as required are displayed and that all statutory registers are provided and used.
n) Ensure that periodic statutory tests, inspections and where applicable maintenance of premises are carried out and the appropriate records kept.
o) Ensure that adequate fire precautions and appliances are in place and that, in the event of an emergency, employees are conversant with the fire drill to ensure that the building/premises are vacated as quickly as possible.
p) Make available and enforce the use where necessary of safety equipment and protective clothing, in accordance with current regulations and council instructions.
q) Ensure that all employees are competent to carry out their duties safely having received adequate information, instruction and training and where necessary that they hold a valid certificate of competence.
r) Ensure that all employees under your control are properly supervised and have been instructed and trained with regards to specific regulations and the relevant system of work and adequate training records kept.
s) Ensure that regular consultation with the workforce takes place.
3. All employees are to take reasonable care of their own safety and that of any one else who may be affected by their work activities, and are required to cooperate with Partney and Dalby Parish Council in the fulfilment of its duties with regard to health, safety and welfare at Work. Each employee, therefore, will be responsible for:-
a) Making themselves familiar with and conforming to relevant health and safety instructions at all times. 
b) Not interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interest of health, safety and welfare.        
c) Reporting to the Clerk incidents that have led to, or may lead to, injury or damage.  
d) Assisting as required in the investigation of accidents or incidents.       
e) Wearing the appropriate protective equipment where required.
Section 3
Risk Assessment 
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations  impose wide ranging responsibilities on Partney and Dalby Parish Council including the requirement to assess the risk to health and safety to employees and others arising out of Partney and Dalby Parish Council’s  undertaking. 
Partney and Dalby Parish Council will carry out risk assessments in accordance with the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and published guidance.
General risk assessments will be carried out on all council workplaces and on all activities organised by the council. Risk assessments will be carried out using a team approach by involving employees who are familiar with the work areas.
Risk assessments will be used to determine where action is required to achieve or maintain adequate control of risks. Any action taken will be in accordance with the principles of prevention detailed in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. Namely by;
• Avoiding the risk.
• Evaluating and reducing the risk as far as reasonable practicable.
• Combating the risks at source.
• Adapting the work to the individual.
• Adapting to technical progress.
• Replacing the dangerous with non or less dangerous.
• Implementing safe systems of work.
• Providing adequate personal protective equipment.
• Providing appropriate information, instruction & training.
The Clerk is responsible for:-
a) Ensuring that all appropriate risk assessments are carried out, recorded and reviewed periodically.
b) Ensuring that risk assessments are suitable and sufficient and accessing competent health & safety advice where required.
c) Ensuring that action is taken to adequately control risks to health & safety identified by the   assessment.
d) Implementing, monitoring and reviewing preventative and protective measures such as safe systems of work.
e) Ensuring that employees are kept adequately informed of risks to health & safety and control measures provided.
f)    Ensuring that contractors or visitors who may be exposed to risks are adequately informed of the risks and any precautions or preventative measures.
g) Holding copies of risk assessment documents.
h) Ensuring that emergency procedures are in place and are formally recorded.
i)     Ensuring that appropriate information, instruction and training is provided.  
All employees have a duty to:-
a) Take reasonable care for their own and others health and safety.
b) Use all work items in accordance with training and advice.
c) Co-operate with their employer with regard to health and safety matters.
d) Report accidents and dangerous incidents.
e) Notify their employer of any shortcomings in health and safety arrangements. 
Contract workers
It is Partney and Dalby Parish Council’s policy that when contractors are used, they will represent the company in the same way as direct labour and are required to work to the council’s policy.
The Clerk is responsible for the appointment of competent contractors. Competence is assessed by checking relevant insurance policy cover, qualification and experience, contractor references and establishing safe methods of work before work commences. Records of competency checks are retained as per record keeping policies.
 Arrangements are made to ensure that they are acquainted with, and adhere to, the council’s safety policy, and any other procedure or special instructions which may be in force relevant to specific operations. In particular, work is monitored periodically for safety and quality. Where appropriate a formal record of checks carried out is retained.
A copy of the safety policy and other relevant information is given to the sub-contractor upon acceptance of terms and conditions of the contract agreement.  
Adequate supervision will be necessary to complement the provision of information, instruction and training if required ensuring that the council’s policy is strictly adhered to.
The council’s approved accident reporting form shall be sued for the reporting of all accidents whether to property, employee or general public there to be no exceptions.
Further to the above it is a requirement to report all accidents, however minor. Serious accidents or major incidents should be reported immediately to the Town Clerk by telephone.
Should a contractor use a sub-contractor for any works it is a requirement under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 for sub-contractors to conduct their work activities in such a way as to ensure that other persons are not exposed to risks to their health and/or safety.
Accident reporting
When an accident/incident occurs, injuries must receive prompt attention, and any immediate danger should be alleviated. The council accident book and or the RIDDOR accident report form will be completed by local managers or the Clerk.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) and the Social Security Act 1975 require organisations to record accidents/incidents and also to investigate and report to the nearest office of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) accidents which result in the following:-
• Fatalities.               
• Specified injuries (see RIDDOR leaflet).
• Employees being absent from work for more than 3 days.
• Work related illnesses (see RIDDOR leaflet).
All accidents are investigated and preventative measures implemented where appropriate. Any relevant risk assessments are also reviewed by the local manager and or Clerk.
Employee’s responsibilities
All employees are instructed at induction, of the requirements to report all accidents/near misses occurring to themselves, members of the public, volunteers or contractors in the nearest accident book and to bring the accident to the attention of a local manager or Clerk. Employees must also ensure that everything possible is done to minimise damage, particularly injury to persons. 
• Obtain first aid treatment for the injured person.
• Ensure that the accident/incident is reported to the Town Clerk.
• Record the accident/incident by filling in the accident book and completing a copy of the council's incident report form.
Employer’s responsibilities
The Clerk is to:-
• Establish whether the circumstances or the result of the accident/incident are immediately reportable under RIDDOR as a major injury or as dangerous occurrence.
• Investigate the accident/incident and ensure that all necessary steps have been taken to prevent any immediate further injury or damage to property.        
• Ensure that an entry in the accident book has been made.
• Take what steps are necessary to remedy the cause of the accident/incident to prevent a reoccurrence.
• Ensure that if an injured employee is absent from work, or unable to carry out their normal work for more than 3 days (not including the day of the accident) the correct form is completed and submitted to the RIDDOR database on the HSE website.