Agenda - extraordinary meeting 25th June 2024
Partney and Dalby Parish Council
Dear Councillors,
You are summoned to attend an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 25th June 2024 in Partney Victory Hall at 7.00pm.
There is an Open Forum at each meeting where Members of the Public are invited to ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda.
Please note that any recommendations made at this meeting by the Parish Council in respect of planning applications on the agenda are advisory only and not binding on East Lindsey District Council. Documents relating to the applications may be viewed a It is recommended that any comments you wish to make be submitted direct to East Lindsey District Council, either by their website as above or by letter.
Signed J Oliver - Chair 19.06.2024
Public Forum
- To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
- To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations1 in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct
- To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting and consider application reference N/136/00853/24 for alterations to existing dwelling including the demolition of existing conservatory, which is a listed building, and erection of vehicular and pedestrian access gates with a maximum height of 2.25 meters at Partney Hall, Spilsby Road, Partney. Also reference N/136/00873/24 - Erection of a detached 4 bay garage with first floor office and storage (works commenced) at Park House, Spilsby Road, Partney and resolve action.
- Clerk and Councillor Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings, No decisions may be made under this section, but Councillors may wish to flag up issues.
- To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 9th July at 7pm
1 A dispensation form should be requested from the Clerk before the meeting date and will be considered by Full Council at the meeting