Agenda 12th November 2024

  Partney and Dalby Parish Council



Dear Councillors,

You are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 12th November 2024 in Partney Victory Hall at 7.00pm.


There is an Open Forum at each meeting where Members of the Public are invited to ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda.


Please note that any recommendations made at this meeting by the Parish Council in respect of planning applications on the agenda are advisory only and not binding on East Lindsey District Council. Documents relating to the applications may be viewed a It is recommended that any comments you wish to make be submitted direct to East Lindsey District Council, either by their website as above or by letter.


Signed     Jane Slaymaker - Parish Clerk                           06.11.2024


Public Participation/ Open Forum (15 minutes allocated)



  1. To open the meeting and welcome


  1. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations1 in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct


  1. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 12th September 2024 previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities


  1. To receive reports from the County and District councillors


  1. Finance
    1. To formally note financial position
    2. To formally note bank reconciliations
    3. To formally note last quarters payments and receipts and balance against budget
    4. To note the 2024 pay award for the Clerk representing an 4.98% increase
    5. To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made:

31.09.24 Karl Valentine Cemetery grass cutting September (Open Spaces Act 1906 ss. 9-10) £140.00

04.10.24 Viking stationary (LGS 1972 s.111) debit card £16.48

24.10.24 Wave Cemetery water (Open Spaces Act 1972 ss. 9-10) DD £20.45

24.10.24 Poppy Shop – large poppies (LGA 1972 s.137) debit card £50.00

02.11.24 Karl Valentine Cemetery grass cutting October £140.00

02.11.24 Karl Valentine Village grounds maintenance (Highways Act 1980 s.96)  £188.00

30.11.24 Salary £172.38 (LGA 1972 s.112)

31.12.24 Salary £172.38

  1. To note any income received since the last meeting:

09.09.24 Interest £8.05

04.10.24 Vat refund £153.50

09.10.24 Interest £7.80


  1. Planning Matters
    1. To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting including ref N/136/00853/24 – Extension and alterations to existing dwelling, which is a listed building, to include the demolition of the existing conservatory, extension on site of an existing cloakroom which is to be demolished to provide a lobby, construction of an additional vehicular access with the erection of entrance gates to a maximum height of 2.25 metres and erection of vehicular and pedestrian access gates at the existing access with a maximum height of 2 metres and reference N/136/00861/24 Listed Building Consent - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling, to include the demolition of the existing conservatory and extension on site of an existing cloakroom which is to be demolished to provide a lobby. Both applications for Partney Hall, Spilsby Road
    2. To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting


  1. Village Matters
    1. To receive a report on a ‘dark sky’ initiative and resolve action
    2. To receive an update on highway matters
    3. To receive an update on the development of an emergency village action plan and resolve action required
    4. To receive feedback from Cllr Grover regarding the designation of Partney as a ‘large village’ in the 2018 Local Plan and resolve action
    5. To receive feedback from the village questionnaire for input into the Parish Action Plan and resolve action
    6. To organise dates for village bulb planting and a cemetery tidy-up session


  1. Internal Council Matters
    1. To review and re-adopt the following policies: Cemetery, Publications Schedule, Complaints Procedure, website Accessibility Statement
    2. To consider and approve the appointment of Victoria Clark as Internal Auditor for 2024/25 at £120
    3. To receive the annual Asset Inspection Record and resolve action
    4. To receive monthly Cemetery checklist and resolve any action required (Cllr Jones)
    5. To receive quotations for the Cemetery tree work and resolve action (Cllr Jones and Clerk)
    6. To consider options for the unsafe Cemetery memorials and resolve action (Cllr Jones and Clerk)
    7. To delegate authority to the Clerk to arrange for the installation of the Cemetery Regulations sign
    8. To consider an application for the District Councillor Community Grant scheme to a maximum of £300


  1. To receive correspondence and note any action required


  1. Clerk and Councillor Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings. No decisions may be made under this section, but Councillors may wish to flag up issues.


  1. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council


1 A dispensation form should be requested from the Clerk before the meeting date and will be considered by Full Council at the meeting